Prostate cancer drug trial improves condition, gives patient new hope

May 16, 2024

Mark Domko stays in good shape, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, and gets regular checkups with his doctor. That’s why his prostate cancer diagnosis came as such a shock in 2014. A biopsy soon confirmed it was a fast-growing cancer and Mark was scheduled for a radical prostatectomy and hormone therapy. However, following the surgery, his prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels were still rising, a reliable indicator that the cancer was still present. He started radiation therapy but after 33 treatments, his PSA levels continued to rise.

That was when his oncologist suggested he may be a good candidate for an EMBARK Enzalutamide clinical study. He explained that patients had seen promising results from this treatment and by participating in the study, Mark could help future patients access leading-edge care. Mark decided it was worth a shot.

The medication worked very well during the trial, lowering Mark’s PSA levels and keeping them low. In fact, the cancer improved drastically and he eventually went into remission. His oncologist noted that Mark had done exceptionally well. He was monitored closely throughout the study with regular blood tests, check-ins with his oncologist, and bone and CT scans every six months to ensure the trial was proceeding safely and the medication continued to work. Mark adds, “I had a phenomenal experience during the clinical trial. The people were amazing, the process was smooth, and my oncologist was fantastic.”

When the study ended, Mark’s PSA levels started to rise again. Despite this, he feels optimistic. “There’s a lot to be hopeful about,” says Mark. “Treatments are always advancing and there are so many new discoveries.” By participating in clinical trials, patients can access state-of-the-art treatments and play a role in helping future cancer patients.

Ask your oncologist if there’s a clinical trial available for you.

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